When the Fish House began opening its Backroom Live stage for a blues jam every Thursday night, something curious happened. "I hire a lot of great musicians to come and play in the house band, but for the jam night, all these other incredible musicians show up just to play," says Angela Rivero, who owns the venerable Southwest Miami-Dade place with her husband Jose. Live music has been a staple of the deceptively cozy restaurant since it opened in 1996, but the Riveros' deep love affair with the blues really began after a trip to New Orleans in 2005. These days, their Backroom Live room is decked out in Bourbon Street finery and regularly hosts some of Dade's best players, such as Darrell Raines on guitar and Motel Mel on keyboards. Every Thursday night, the house band plays for an hour and then opens up the instruments to anyone who wants to lament how their love done 'em wrong. "It is an amazing thing, every week, how good the musicians are who show up," Angela says.