Time your drive for just before sunset. Cruise down the dusty road into a nearly deserted Matheson Hammock Park. Stow your car and pause for a moment, hand-in-hand at the water's edge. Gaze at the brilliant-blue water and sky. Once inside Red Fish Grill, take your table for two on the terrace. Stare into the limpid eyes of your lover. Listen to palm trees rustle and sway. Watch the waves of the atoll pool gently roll. Let the trade winds nuzzle your limbs as the sun sets in glorious shades of vermilion, apricot, lemon, and pomegranate. Feed each other steamed mussels ($14) or Chilean sea bass ($40) as twilight sets in. Clink glasses and sip champagne. Bask in ready-made romance. If ardent passion isn't ignited by evening's end, it was a hopeless case to begin with.