Buenos Aires Bakery & Cafe | Mid/North Beach | Bakery, Cafe | Restaurant

Buenos Aires Bakery & Cafe

This Argentine café is simply too good to have remained a secret. Generally speaking, if a bakery isn't crowded, it isn't worth visiting, so get in line at the always-buzzing Buenos Aires. Grab a basket and a number, and when your number is called, you tell the worker what you want. Your choices will derive from three brightly lit glass display cases of tempting baked goods. One is devoted to masas finas, or minipastries the size of petits fours. Another holds somewhat familiar cakes and desserts, such as ricotta cheesecake, tiramisu, fruit tarts, flan, bread pudding, and an over-the-top Imperial Russo cake layered with dulce de leche, strawberries, peaches, cream, napoleon dough, and meringue. Cakes are sold whole or by portion. And there's a case that contains numerous facturas, akin to Latin Danishes.