If you crave impeccable sushi in all its permutations and without the pomp and price of most local dens, B-Side is for you. The sushi offshoot of Miami's beloved modern Japanese-Peruvian restaurant, Itamae, the counter-style setting presents a short and sweet menu of snack-sized dishes, maki, and bowls-style meals that wow with simple yet flavorful presentations. The short list of rolls rotates frequently, and you'll often find them paired with housemade sauces that range from a leche de tigre cream sauce to yuzu-shoyu to a spicy ponzu. And there's more going on here than sushi — try snacks like an octopus tiradito, barely marinated slivers of tender mollusk doused in leche de tigre and artfully plated with botija olive sauce, fried capers, and red onion.