This year alone, Miami has lost popular clubs Ora and Heart. The local nightlife scene is quickly becoming an endangered species thanks to rising rents, gentrification, and nimby neighbors. It's disheartening, to say the least — Miami wouldn't be the city it is today without the nightlife institutions that have made it a place worth visiting. Treehouse seemed about to join the ghosts of nightclubs past when it announced in May 2017 it was "closing for the summer." In Clubland, "closing for the summer" or "closed for renovations" usually means "we're closing for good but are too embarrassed to admit it." Sure enough, summer came and went, and Treehouse didn't reopen for the busy tourist season. But then, weeks before this year's Miami Music Week, the club announced it would reopen with a full slate of parties. And while that could have been temporary, Treehouse has kept its door open, with local promoters Un_Mute booking shows every weekend.