Best local landmark
The Roney Plaza Hotel
I'm from Miami Beach originally. I grew up down here, so my best local landmark is one that doesn't exist anymore: the Roney Plaza Hotel. It lives now only in postcards. It was built around the same time as the Freedom Tower. It's the hallmark of my growing up. This was a magnificent hotel. It had a saltwater pool and freshwater pool, a casino, and a boardwalk. Imagine the Biltmore right there on the beach, and that's it. Unfortunately it was torn down in the Seventies. It would have been the crown jewel of Miami Beach. The fact that it doesn't stand anymore is an important point from a preservationist point of view.
Best sanctuary from the fast track
When things get a little hectic it's great to be out on Biscayne Bay on a sailboat.
Best month
The month that I always point toward as being the pinnacle of the year is November, because that's when the Miami Book Fair International takes place.
Best not-so-cheap thrill
Stone crabs, preferably the jumbos at Joe's.
Best cheap thrill
It's not a classic cheap thrill, but I'm thinking of what is now called the Gardens of Pinecrest. It's the old Parrot Jungle. This is a space that is lush and beautiful and it still hasn't been completely discovered.
Best reason to live in Miami
The best reason to live in Miami -- and the best time to live in Miami -- is right now, because we have a remarkable, burgeoning literary community. Not only do we have some of the most talented writers on Earth here, not only do we have some of the most talented writers around, but we have incredibly generous writers as well. Generous with each other as well as generous with their talents and their readers.
Coral Castle
Gusman Center for the Performing Arts
Arlan Feiles
Arlan Feiles
Lantana Sunrise
Lantana Sunrise
The Goat or Who Is Sylvia?
Stop Kiss
The Chosen
Fortune's Fool
Biltmore Hotel
Biltmore Hotel
Crandon Park Golf Course
Crandon Park Golf Course
Coral Castle
Gusman Center for the Performing Arts
The Goat or Who Is Sylvia?
Stop Kiss
The Chosen
Fortune's Fool
Midnight Midtown Midway during Art Basel
Midnight Midtown Midway during Art Basel
Bible Way Prayer Mission
Bible Way Prayer Mission
September 3, 2003
September 3, 2003
Coral Castle
Gusman Center for the Performing Arts
Arlan Feiles
Arlan Feiles
Lantana Sunrise
Lantana Sunrise
The Goat or Who Is Sylvia?
Stop Kiss
The Chosen
Fortune's Fool
Biltmore Hotel
Biltmore Hotel
Crandon Park Golf Course
Crandon Park Golf Course
Coral Castle
Gusman Center for the Performing Arts
The Goat or Who Is Sylvia?
Stop Kiss
The Chosen
Fortune's Fool
Midnight Midtown Midway during Art Basel
Midnight Midtown Midway during Art Basel
Bible Way Prayer Mission
Bible Way Prayer Mission
September 3, 2003
September 3, 2003