It may look like just another place to brown-bag it, but this Sunny Isles liquor store isn't average. Lining the walls are hundreds of unusual decanters, new and old Zippo lighters, thousands of airplane-size minibottles, and a stash of beers from around the world. Whiskeys, ports, grappas, rums, liqueurs, gold-speckled apéritifs, fruit cordials, and hard-to-find imported wines make this storefront a welcome alternative. The variety could make your head spin even before a drink. For example Sunny Isles stocks more than 150 types of single malt scotch. Vodkas? There are nearly 100, including gourmet brands like Absolut, Arctic, Ketel One, Belvedere, Chopin, Grey Goose, Stolichnaya, and Keglevich. Next question: What flavor do you fancy? Chocolate, lemon, vanilla, citron, hot pepper, banana, melon, or strawberry? Manager Fernando Rodriguez and his staff make choosing as easy as falling off a stool.