For many health-conscious stoners,
"Smoking is not good for you. The science is in. It’s one thing to smoke once a week, once a month, but the majority of people smoke many times, and this is just not good for you," says Bodizepha. "When I found out what smoking does, I said, 'Hey, let me try something different. Let me not smoke as much.'"
The combustion of marijuana still produces several known carcinogens and tar, which can irritate the lungs and lead to chronic bronchitis. But by heating marijuana at a lower temperature than combustion, vaporizers produce a vapor without the harmful byproducts. And Furious Leisure is spreading the good word.
"The concern to me is the health of the individual. Our bodies are our ecosystem. We’re creating our ecosystem," says Bodizepha.
Beyond our physical bodies, Furious Leisure aims to cultivate a new type of marijuana user. In line with this idea is Furious Leisure's representation of a classic weed smoker versus the reformed
"Our band and our group
If the video looks familiar, that's probably because you saw it at Art Basel 2015. The duo rented a truck for three hours to drive up and down NW Second and Third avenues, screening the video on side monitors.
"That was really cool to see the reaction of people
Before you run out to buy your own vape, there are two things Bodizepha wants to make clear: They are in no way condoning tobacco vaping, and, no, they are not being sponsored by any vape companies.
"I’m in no way condoning tobacco vaping.
Combustion is so 2015.