10800 Collins Avenue
North Miami-Dade
305-893-0906 You know the place. Just north of Haulover Cut on the west side of Collins. What you may not know is that by arrangement with the county parks department, Skyward Kites, a commercial outfit devoted to (duh...), is there every day of the year -- barring bad weather. From 10:00 a.m. until sunset (or 7:00 p.m. during daylight-saving time) the good people at Skyward welcome you to simply sit back and enjoy their daily show of spectacular kites or to join in. Their on-site mobile store sells kites from five dollars on up; experts there can help you put them together and learn to fly them. And just a reminder: If it's been a while since you last flew a kite, you may have forgotten how much fun it can be -- soothing in the manner of pond fishing, or as exciting as having a fighting marlin on the end of your line.