Pack Supermarket and Cafeteria | Miami Shores/Biscayne Park | Grocery, Fried Chicken | Restaurant
Photo by Kristin Bjørnsen

Pack Supermarket and Cafeteria

Over the past three decades, Little Haiti's Pack Supermarket has become a kind community for the surrounding neighborhood, all thanks to fried chicken. During lunch, dozens of cops, executives, and working stiffs line up for the stuff. Sunday mornings, crowds of churchgoers mingle with bouncers from downtown clubs and spandex-clad cyclists while awaiting fragrant Styrofoam containers filled with juicy poultry and the slightly sweet ovals of the smashed-and-fried plantains Haitians term "banane." It's a meal that could be breakfast or dinner. Pack's recipe is a spinoff of the classic that calls for skin-on legs to be marinated in a spicy, acidic amalgam of vinegar, lime juice, garlic, onion, and hot peppers such as Scotch bonnets.